Chris - Manchester, UK

Production Supervisor - Irlam Pressroom Chemical Site.

Chris has spent over 12 years with Flint Group starting as a Production Packer in 2004.

“My career really has been a classic case of starting at the bottom and working my way up from there! I joined Flint Group as a production packer, taking finished bulk batches and transferring them into the correct packaging for distribution. I have always been keen to develop and learn new skills and Flint Group have certainly supported my development not only in providing me with the opportunity to advance and learn but also in encouraging me to fully explore my potential.


There has been a lot of hard work to get to my current position as Production Supervisor looking after two working shifts of 31 people. Every position I have held during my progression has had its own set of challenges and opportunities and my current role has been no different. I get a lot enjoyment from leading the team and motivating them to perform, I like to think given my career path that I have a good insight and understanding to help my team succeed - after all it probably wasn’t that long ago that I was in their position doing their job!


"I have always been keen to develop and learn new skills and Flint Group have certainly supported my development not only in providing me with the opportunity to advance and learn but also in encouraging me to fully explore my potential."

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