Integrity & Compliance

Integrity shall never be compromised...

Integrity shall never be compromised...

Welcome to Flint Group’s Integrity & Compliance page. Here, you will find information about Flint Group’s global integrity & compliance program and our Code of Conduct.

ision Statement

Our vision is to foster a culture of integrity and compliance at all levels of Flint Group and partner with the business to develop compliance programs that help the organisation achieve its strategies and enhance the reputation of Flint Group.


Key components of the Flint Group global integrity & compliance programme:

-  We don't cheat

-  We don't steal

-  We don't bully or harass

-  We don't discriminate

-  We don't lie

-  We don't treat people badly or disrespectfully

-  We don't compete unfairly


Integrity & Compliance policies

Flint Group has established a Code of Conduct together with a set of policies to explain and communicate the values and behaviours that underpin our business credentials. Please visit our Code of Conduct via the link opposite.


Human Rights

We consider the protection of human rights to be a central element of our corporate responsibility. We base our commitment to respect human rights on the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We are committed to respecting internationally recognised human rights in our business operations and along our value chains. This includes, in particular, the prohibition of child and forced labour, the prohibition of all forms of slavery and discrimination, and the strengthening of freedom of association.

Read Flint Group Human Rights Statement here

Read Flint Group Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement here


Integrity Assurance Hotline

"Safety of our colleagues is our most important value - we all need to work to make Flint Group a safer place each year." (Steve Dryden)

The Flint Group Assurance Hotline provides a way for individuals to raise concerns about malpractice or possible violation of the law, ethics or company policies.

Click to go to Flint Group Integrity Assurance Hotline >


Third-Party Partner Due Diligence and Training

Through our third-party due diligence and training programmes, we ensure that our core values and Code of Conduct are shared with our valued partners.


Employee Training:

Integrity & compliance training is an integral part of our employee’s induction and continuing education with Flint Group. Several integrity & compliance-related courses are delivered via our e-learning platform.