Washes for Heatset Web Applications

Water miscible manual blanket wash.


For automatic blanket washing systems (Baldwin, Oxydry, MAN).

OEM Approved, AIII flashpoint, Plate Safe, Automatic

For automatic blanket washing systems using the Elettra fast wash device.

OEM Approved, AIII flashpoint, Plate Safe, Automatic


High performance ecological wash that reduces cleaning time and waste. Extends blanket life. Formulated especially for Elettra systems.

OEM Approved, AIII flashpoint, Plate Safe, Automatic


OEM Approvals

Products marked as OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) approved are certified in accordance with Fogra corrosion and elastomer swell testing criteria. Please refer to the Fogra listings.

Heatset Product Guide

Download our product overview containing our complete portfolio for Heatset applications; ink, pressroom chemicals, blankets and sleeves.

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