Flint Group Poland helps premature babies

Fundacja Kolorowy Świat - Flint Group Poland

At Flint Group we actively support our people in engaging with local community groups and charities to raise money for worthy causes. In Poland, Flint Group partnered with "Kolorowy Świat" (eng. Colorful World) a Children's Aid Foundation in 2018, where they became the main sponsor of “Przytulanka dla wcześniaka” (A teddy bear for a premature baby) contest - helping raise much needed funds for the premature baby wing. As a result of this support the centre was able to provide several hundred hours of free therapy for the children as well as support to their parents as you can see from the video below...

Our support of the centre did not stop there either… Flint Group has also helped the “Kolorowy Świat” Foundation in sponsoring their charity run event “Daj piątaka na dzieciaka” (eng. Give 5 zlotys for a kid) with several hundred participants at last event.


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