Metalback Blankets for News Print

Flint Group's Day® brand metalback blankets can meet all your newspaper printing needs. Our products offer unequaled durability and performance. Make sure to ask about our new DuraBond™ technology to benefit from the new industry standard in blanket-carcass bonding.

Built with innovative DuraBond technology, these metalback blankets offer greatly improved delamination resistance and durability on double around blanket-to-blanket newspaper presses.


Built with innovative DuraBond technology, these metalback blankets offer greatly improved delamination resistance and durability on double around blanket-to-blanket newspaper presses.


Metal backed blanket designed to give high quality and controlled feed/power consumption on CIC newspaper presses.


Built with innovative DuraBond technology, these metalback blankets offer greatly improved delamination resistance and durability on single around newspaper presses.


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to speak with a specialist about your options.

Looking for offset blankets? Click here

Looking for sleeves? You’ll find those here

More newsworthy press runs

Pair Flint Group's dayGraphica blankets with Arrowlith news inks and Varn® fountain solution.